[Powderworks] MO site link +Todd/Matt
Thu, 07 Mar 2002 19:12:18 -0800 (PST)
Being parents of teenagers themselves, I think the band
members might decide that while their work gave birth
to the list, and they have a vested interest in seeing
how it develops, the choices we make as individuals -
what to support, agree with, act on, rage against, etc.
- is at some point beyond their control and
BTW, regarding the recent textual intercourse between
Matt and Todd: a heated political/philosophical debate
resolved like civilized men - thanks to Matt for
speaking up and to the Wulfman for the interesting
ANd to think the whole thing got fired up over a
misquote of George Castanza! NOw THAT'S the essence of
cheers all,
Brigitte Mounier wrote
> I doubt they would get pissed off. They might dislike
what they find,
> (or distance themselves from it, like Peter told me
he did) but
> Powderworks remains a free forum. The band respects
individuality and
> diversity too much, I believe, to object to its
content. Unless it
> became really offensive, which don't think our
wonderful moderator
> will allow anyway.
> Travis replied:
> >Yeah but what if, say, one, possibly more, of the
band members were checking
> >things out and were a little pissed off about a
certain topic being
> >discussed? Is that a positive? Just a thought....
> >
> >
> >On Mar 7, Brigitte Mounier wrote:
> >
> >> I had not realized that the Powderworks link, on
the official MO
> >> site, displays an archive of the posts!!!
> >> Meaning that not only our words go into
posterity, but that
> >> non-workers can now follow the gist of our
> > > I'm not sure i like that.
> >
> >
> >Let's not forget, some of those non-Workers could be
band members - it can
> >have it's positive effects :-)
> >
> >Maurice R. Kelly
> >mkelly@deadheart.org.uk
> _______________________________________________
> Powderworks mailing list
> Powderworks@cs.colorado.edu
Brigitte Mounier wrote
> I doubt they would get pissed off. They might dislike
what they find,
> (or distance themselves from it, like Peter told me
he did) but
> Powderworks remains a free forum. The band respects
individuality and
> diversity too much, I believe, to object to its
content. Unless it
> became really offensive, which don't think our
wonderful moderator
> will allow anyway.
> Travis replied:
> >Yeah but what if, say, one, possibly more, of the
band members were checking
> >things out and were a little pissed off about a
certain topic being
> >discussed? Is that a positive? Just a thought....
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