[Powderworks] Fwd: Join Tom Petty, Mike Diamond, and BarenakedLadies in pushing for Clean Energy
Eel Bonjack
Tue, 5 Mar 2002 19:25:41 -0800 (PST)
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Hi, I hope its okay to forward this to all the others
in the US, I know the name dropping in the subject
heading is annoying, but well.... it is an
Oils-related concern, regardless.
now get back to work. your boss doesn't pay you to
play on the goddamn computer all day.
Note: forwarded message attached.
the screens are filled with heroes and losers,
but the skies are still filled with stars.
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Date: Tue, 5 Mar 2002 15:36:59 -0800 (PST)
From: Save Our Environment <actioncenter@saveourenvironment.org>
To: scissormansnip@yahoo.com
Subject: Join Tom Petty, Mike Diamond, and BarenakedLadies in pushing for Clean Energy
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The Senate is set to begin debating the Energy Bill TODAY. Please
send a fax to your senators urging them to pass a bill that
emphasizes energy efficiency and renewable energy and keeps the oil
industry out of the Arctic Refuge.
Take Action! http://www.saveourenvironment.org
Read this letter from Tom Petty, Mike Diamond, and BarenakedLadies:
Dear Friend,
Please join us in stopping a reckless energy plan from passing the
Senate. Instead of solving the challenges posed by America's demand
for energy, this short-sighted plan proposes that we develop some of
the last pristine wilderness left in America, the Arctic National
Wildlife Refuge. We can't let this happen.
Please join us in taking action now by forwarding this email to
everyone you know and sending your senators a free fax at
This dangerous energy plan has already been passed by the House of
Representatives, and was written with the help of oil industry
lobbyists. The Senate is our last line of defense. If we don't act
now, our world will be forever changed.
There are alternatives. Senate Majority Leader, Tom Daschle, has
introduced an energy bill that would jump start investment in clean
electricity. This bill includes a "renewable portfolio
standard," which would require utilities by 2020 to increase by 10
percent the electricity generated by wind, solar, and other forms of
renewable power. In fact, many scientists believe that it is
technologically and economically feasible to reach a 20 percent
increase by 2020. And by raising the fuel economy standards for new
cars, SUVs, and trucks to 40 mpg, we would save 4 million barrels of
oil a day by 2020 - more oil than we import from the Persian Gulf
each day and could expect to get from drilling in the Arctic National
Wildlife Refuge, combined!
We need your help in convincing the Senate to protect the
Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and support a clean energy plan.
Please forward this email to your friends, and go to
Tom Petty, Mike Diamond, the BarenakedLadies
The New Power Artists: REM, the Roots and Live join the effort that
has already included the Dave Matthews Band, Blues Traveler, Moby,
Trey Anastasio (from Phish), Jackson Browne, Alanis Morissette, James
Taylor and others
SaveOurEnvironment.org: American Oceans Campaign, American Rivers,
Defenders of Wildlife, Earthjustice Legal Defense Fund, Environmental
Defense, Greenpeace, League of Conservation Voters, National Audubon
Society, National Environmental Trust, National Parks Conservation
Association, National Wildlife Federation, Natural Resources Defense
Council, The Ocean Conservancy, Physicians for Social Responsibility,
Sierra Club, The State PIRGs, Union of Concerned Scientists, The
Wilderness Society, World Wildlife Fund
Thanks for using the SaveOurEnvironment.org Action Center
http://www.saveourenvironment.org and working together with the
nation's most influential environmental groups in the crucial battles
to protect our air and water, forests and oceans, climate, and
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