[Powderworks] Guitars of Heaven
Tue, 05 Mar 2002 20:20:52 -0800 (PST)
Greetings Fellow Workers and especially guitar addicts,
If any of you want to see some of the world's
nicest hand-made instruments, please visit my friends'
Check out his "Outdoor guitar". Totally unique and
playable little fellas they are, too. I've played a
couple of these babies and I like 'em ALMOST as much as
my 1918 Martin 000. Play like a dream - concert or
tuned to G, beautiful 'old world' (Swiss) craftmanship
and enchanting tone that will make a believer of you.
He also handmakes jazz archtops and the sweetest full
size acoustics - 6 or 12 strings, and basses as well.
These guitars are beauties.
I hope I'm not out of line in posting such a
shameless plug for a friend. But he was visiting from
Europe this week, and he's got a new website, and now's
a good time to have a look if you have the time, and
besides, if you're a guitar player, you owe it to
yourself to check these out.
Any possibility of some of you fellas that are
close to Jim or Martin passing this information on to
them? His Outdoor guitars are especially unique, and
they might just meet a niche in the Oil's arsenal.
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