[Powderworks] KLOS interview of the Oils
Tue, 19 Mar 2002 12:29:50 EST
Hi everyone:
Just wondering if anyone else listened to the interview of Midnight Oil last
night on KLOS in Los Angeles? It lasted an hour and the band played 6 songs,
Golden Age, Beds are Burning, Luritja Way, Dead Heart, Short Memory, and Tone
Poem. Luritja Way and Tone Poem are great live and look forward to hearing
them tonight at the House of Blues show. It was a good interview talking
about the new songs and old. I taped the show onto CDr and will try to get a
tape tree going of it in a week. Quick question though, since I taped it on
CDr it is one long track. Should I bother to put track breaks in it or leave
it as one long track? Send me some opinions on this please.