Midnight Oil


Albums | Songs | Bootlegs

Surf's Up Tonight

Written by Midnight Oil

Duration 3:05

From the album Breathe and 20 000 Watt RSL

Wherever the wind blows, when it blows over the sea
The moon's sitting high, waves will rise water shapes, waves will take you there
Surf's up tonight

Summer's on hold, it will go running away, you've got to move now
Get inside, take that dive, get inside today
Surf's up tonight

Now I was lonely, you were too, I met you down at the waterline
Now there's something we can do, now there's something left to do
Wherever you are when you're coming over land
There's a place where you can throw it all away
There's a place where you can forget, you get wet, it's free
You get high, you're alive . . .
Surf's up tonight