Midnight Oil

[Powderworks] RE: Powderworks Digest, Vol 16, Issue 27

Powderlurker . powderlurker at hotmail.com
Sun Jan 16 05:33:46 MST 2005

Hi Rhonda,

I wouldn't stress about the Seating vs. General Admissin, much...
even though the package sellers are nominating both, I suspect (because the 
pricing is exactly the same) that they will probably turn out to be all 
under one banner.

If you definitely want to secure one against the other... I'd go the general 
admission because you'll have a pretty good chance to head right up the 
What's the point of heading to the other side of the planet & only being 
able to see your heroes from a distance (since the SCG only holds 39K 
people, in the round, I suspect they're planning on putting at least 20K on 
the field... that means that the Stages will be a fair way from the stands, 
to accomodate).

just a guess... but we used to see evey BDO @ the showgrounds, next door, & 
all the AFL & some cricket, there... so I reckon I've got a pretty good 
guess @ what the layout will be).

Anyway... seating vs. running amok... your call!! : )


From: Rhonda <kayak at sympatico.ca>
To: Powderworks <powderworks at cs-lists.cs.colorado.edu>
Subject: [Powderworks] Wave Aid / Ticketek help?
Sent: Sunday, 16 January 2005 2:05:24 PM
Hey all,

Overseas ticketek newbie seeking help on the mad dash for 
tomorrow....haven't been able to get a map yet off of either the WaveAid or 
Ticketek websites of the Cricket Grounds.  What advice can anyone provide on 
buying tickets? - good seats, bad seats, general admission vs. reserved 
seating....and whether I should have them saved at the venue for pickup or 
pick them up at another local office since there's no time to mail them, 
etc.  Any advice on even the minutest basic details appreciated!  Should I 
just go through showbiz.com to make sure I get one, even if it might be in 
the nosebleed section?

In the meantime, still working on that <cough> small issue of trying to 
scrape up plane fare, but wanting to have all the other details in place 
beforehand.  Trying not to get too psyched up yet, but it's getting 

Cheers & beers,