Midnight Oil

[Powderworks] RE: Unbearably tempted - But know better!

mbtigger mbtigger at charter.net
Wed Jan 12 09:57:30 MST 2005


I currently have a home line of credit to help with some minor changes
around the house (Meaning I have a higher load of debt than I have had
in the last few years). My Wife is 7 1/2 months pregnant and likely to
deliver early. The three year old is, of course, a three year old.
(Which pretty much says it all don't you think?)

I think it would be wise for me NOT to get on the plane and head down
under. I suggest someone with a digital feed record this in Hi-Def for
us folks who cannot be there!

As for babysitting Rhonda's kids. Please rethink! My own child was
singing the Oils, Bruce Cockburn, and U2 at the top of his lungs while I
was grocery shopping with him the other day (and he was LOUD). Immagine
how I could warp fresh minds with my AV collection and stash of strange
board games....


-----Original Message-----
From: Rhonda [mailto:kayak at sympatico.ca] 
Sent: Tuesday, January 11, 2005 8:49 PM
To: Powderworks
Subject: [Powderworks] Unbearably tempted to pack my bags

  Went to work today and said, "so, who wants to watch my kids for a 
week?" after spending a feverish evening researching airfares in all 
different combinations of YYZ-SYD, ORD-SYD, YVR-SYD, etc.  I now wake 
myself up at 3am yelling airport codes in my sleep.

Trying to scramble together the logistics of a very long-shot trip is 
quite the adrenalin rush, but will be 99.9% not possible....it's that 
other .1% of possibility that keeps me going.  A mad dash to Oz for an 
Oils reunion concert would really be something to grin about when I'm

So....anybody wanna babysit?  ;-)
