[Powderworks] Administrivia -- "for reals" this time, the list
must move.
Nathan Arrowsmith
nathan at nathanarrowsmith.com
Fri Jan 7 13:38:30 MST 2005
I can't help thinking that the current mailing list setup works well,
and theoretically could just be relocated as is to another server.
>>>>moving the list to a private server would cost real money.
If the cost is related to bandwidth, how much traffic does the
Powderworks list actually generate? Maybe I'm being naive, but I can't
imagine it being a lot. Server space can be bought reasonably cheap
providing the traffic isn't through the roof.
Setting up a forum would probably be more bandwidth intensive than the
current mailing list, so probably not the best option, as enticing as it
>>>>Google retains it's "minimally offensive" corporate attitude & profile
They do have Adwords on every page, are we willing to put up with that?,
much better than Yahoo though.
Tim Hunter wrote:
> Hi folks. Back in May I sent out the following request for comments. The
> general consensus was that people would prefer that the list remain on a
> private server, and that was my preference too.
> However, I looked about & talked to a friend who has one, and eventually
> concluded that moving the list to a private server would cost real money. And
> that, while I do care about the list, I don't care enough to spend money on
> it.
> So, now the University of Colorado CS department is Really Truly shutting down
> the old list server. I'm hoping that Google retains it's "minimally
> offensive" corporate attitude & profile, and moving the list over to
> powderworks at googlegroups.com (http://groups-beta.google.com/group/powderworks).
> There are three ways to migrate you all -- one, I can ask you to just sign up
> on your own. Two, I can send you all invitations via the googlegroups.com
> service. Three, I can just add you to the new list. I'm inclined to go with
> the third option, and will on Sunday unless I get a lot of feedback saying I
> should go with one of the other options. With any of the options, you have to
> set a googlegroups.com password to leave the list. With the third option, you
> don't need to set one to be added to the list.
> Yours in continued Oily fandom,
> tim
> PS: er. Yes, I too notice that 'beta' is still in url there, even though I
> set up powderworks at googlegroups.com back in May... I still think it's
> probably the least offensive free option.
> ----- Forwarded message from Tim Hunter <tim at refuge.Colorado.EDU> -----
> Date: Thu, 13 May 2004 12:38:36 -0600
> From: Tim Hunter <tim at refuge.Colorado.EDU>
> Subject: Administrivia -- the list must move, your opinions wanted.
> To: Powderworks <powderworks at cs-lists.cs.colorado.edu>
> This list has been in existence since sometime in the summer of 1990.
> For all of that time it has been hosted by the good folks at the
> University of Colorado at Boulder, my alma mater. It's now been ten
> years since I left, and due to cutbacks in the Computer Science
> department, I've been asked to move this list (and
> enya at cs-lists.cs.colorado.edu) off of their servers.
> So we have a few choices. The list can be moved to one of the
> commercial mailing list providers (Yahoo!, Google, etc) that require
> registration but will presumably attract more attention and provide
> commercial-quality service; or we can put the list on a virtual system
> rented by a friend of mine out of www.bytemark-hosting.co.uk.
> It'll probably be another week before I go ahead and move the list.
> The cs.colorado.edu folks will provide a forward for those still using
> the old address. In the meantime, please mail me (directly) with your
> opinions. I'll summarize next week.
> Thank you.
> tim
> PS: As Rhonda reminded you today, the current moderation-free address for
> the list is powderworks at cs-lists.cs.colorado.edu. But please don't
> "test" this. Content-free test messages drive me up the wall.
> ----- End forwarded message -----
> _______________________________________________
> Powderworks mailing list
> Powderworks at cs-lists.cs.colorado.edu
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