Midnight Oil

[Powderworks] Bruce

sebastian balcombe sbalcombe@agelessfoundation.com
Sun, 1 Jun 2003 16:11:15 -0400

PS ~ And I have to ask of the comment below Seb: Do you mean that there are
absolutely no absolutes.

Bruce Reading your post and reference to religion I have a feeling I know
where your going with this, and I respect anyone's religious or spiritual
beliefs  in life and try not to judge since I hate being judged myself.
Having said that this is a brief summery of how i feel on the subject

Yes Bruce I do believe at this point in my life that there are absolutely no
absolutes. I am only twenty six so maybe that will change, but that is just
my way of thinking at this point.  I come from an extremely scientific
background and science is my whole life and passion.  Allot of the time I
have difficulty  separating life from the science and research I read
everyday. I carry over much  of my believes in science  to my life and
personal philosophies which I know is not always a good thing. So since
science and life in my experience never has had  any  absolutes and is
constantly changing, the best I have is a high probability of something
occurring or being  reliably  consistent. I guess this may sound sad to you,
but I have never found an absolute in life as of yet. I don't want you to
think I'm totally  void of spirituality because I'm not. I  was also raised
with allot of spirituality and really connect and appreciate the oils for
bringing that out in their music.
 I just haven't made sense of it all yet and until I have I live my life
that there are absolutely no absolutes. There is just high or low
probability of something being accurate and close to what is expected.
Nothing is carved in stone in my opinion not even the most conservative
scientific believes.

Hope I didn't offend anyone