[Powderworks] Re : how grouse - NMOC
Maurice R. Kelly
mkelly at deadheart.org.uk
Wed Dec 10 02:23:42 MST 2003
On Dec 10, Vincent VAGNER wrote:
> "desconocido " means "unknown " in spanish
> This word must come from the pc and not from the cd. Where did you buy
> your pc ? or windows ? in latin america ?
Or it is possible that whoever entered the CD to the database in the first
place did not fill in the genre correctly (of course, running
Spanish-language software.)
These CD databases should be more careful about vetting submissions -
having recently ripped almost 500 CDs it's amazing how much garbage is
entered into those systems. A bit of care by one person at the start
could probably save a lot of hassles further down the chain.
(Sorry - personal gripe - it took a long time to correct the data for all
those CDs ;-)
Maurice R. Kelly
mkelly at deadheart.org.uk