[Powderworks] Re: Gaia Project & Anti War CD
Jérémie Mandonnet
Tue, 01 Apr 2003 13:23:17 +0200
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Hi folks!
First, both CD are available in France (www.fnac.com), yeah I'm finally
living in a lucky country!!! ;o))
About Gaia Project, this is what I found...
[FROM YAHOO France] original link :
"Ga=EFa, the concert for planet", a disc, a book and a film
Some 350 musicians, whose Cesoria Evora, Jane Birkin, of the members of
Supertramp and Moody Blues appear in the credits of "Ga=EFa, the concert
for planet" left Friday.
The French musician Alan Simon is at the origin of this recording which
should be carried to the scene during September in the park of the
castle of Versailles (France).
In addition to the disc (which appears at Dreyfus/Sony Music), Ga=EFa is
accompanied by a book (a series of tales due to the feather of Simon,
Seuil, 142 pages, 15 EUR) and should be the subject of a film.
The company had been revealed at semi January at the time of 37e MIDEM
(Gone international of the disc and the musical edition) in Cannes
"Ga=EFa" was recorded with 350 musicians and 20 international high-speed
motorboats whose musicians of Supertramp and Midnight Oil, Didier
Lockwood, Zucchero, Angunn, Cesaria Evora, Angelo Branduardi, James
Wood. French side, one raises the presence of Jane Birkin, Jean Reno and
Manu Dibango, which, all, will take part in the concert of Versailles.
Also published Friday, the first extract is the song "No man's Land",
interpreted by Midnight Oil. Recorded last year, the last song of the
Australian group, which separated since, evokes a soldier in a trench
vis-a-vis with a woman in tchador.
"This premonitory song is essential today with the events in Iraq",
affirmed with the AFP Alan Simon which also stated that "walk for
peace", another moment strong of the project "Ga=EFa", will leave Paris o=
May 2 in direction of Katmandou (Nepal).
Anggun, John Helliwell and Roger Hodgson, respectively saxophonist and
singer of Supertramp, will form part of the walkers taken along by Alan
Simon, type-setter and producer into 1997 of "Excalibur", a Celtic
"At the time of the concert for the planet, we will launch a cry of
anger so that the world does not let any more planet burst", added the
French musician who militates for an international sensitizing for the
protection of the ground.
"Ga=EFa" received the support of several scientists, of which the
astrophysicist Hubert Reeves. The benefit of the project "Ga=EFa" will
finance teaching programs, on the topic of ecology, in several
Bawolski@aol.com a =E9crit :
> Check out Amazon France. Search for Gaia and you'll find the
> CD, which just came out March 17. No Man's Land is the lead track.
> Can't tell you much more because I don't speak French.
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Hi folks!
<p>First, both CD are available in France (<a href="www.fnac.com">www.fnac.com</a>),
yeah I'm finally living in a lucky country!!! ;o))
<p>About Gaia Project, this is what I found...
<p>[FROM YAHOO France] original link : <a href="http://fr.news.yahoo.com/030328/202/34e54.html">http://fr.news.yahoo.com/030328/202/34e54.html</a>
<p>"Gaïa, the concert for planet", a disc, a book and a film
<br>Some 350 musicians, whose Cesoria Evora, Jane Birkin, of the members
of Supertramp and Moody Blues appear in the credits of "Gaïa, the
concert for planet" left Friday.
<p>The French musician Alan Simon is at the origin of this recording which
should be carried to the scene during September in the park of the castle
of Versailles (France).
<p>In addition to the disc (which appears at Dreyfus/Sony Music), Gaïa
is accompanied by a book (a series of tales due to the feather of Simon,
Seuil, 142 pages, 15 EUR) and should be the subject of a film.
<p>The company had been revealed at semi January at the time of 37e MIDEM
(Gone international of the disc and the musical edition) in Cannes (France).
<p>"Gaïa" was recorded with 350 musicians and 20 international high-speed
motorboats whose musicians of Supertramp and Midnight Oil, Didier Lockwood,
Zucchero, Angunn, Cesaria Evora, Angelo Branduardi, James Wood. French
side, one raises the presence of Jane Birkin, Jean Reno and Manu Dibango,
which, all, will take part in the concert of Versailles.
<p>Also published Friday, the first extract is the song "No man's Land",
interpreted by Midnight Oil. Recorded last year, the last song of the Australian
group, which separated since, evokes a soldier in a trench vis-a-vis with
a woman in tchador.
<p>"This premonitory song is essential today with the events in Iraq",
affirmed with the AFP Alan Simon which also stated that "walk for peace",
another moment strong of the project "Gaïa", will leave Paris on May
2 in direction of Katmandou (Nepal).
<p>Anggun, John Helliwell and Roger Hodgson, respectively saxophonist and
singer of Supertramp, will form part of the walkers taken along by Alan
Simon, type-setter and producer into 1997 of "Excalibur", a Celtic opera.
<p>"At the time of the concert for the planet, we will launch a cry of
anger so that the world does not let any more planet burst", added the
French musician who militates for an international sensitizing for the
protection of the ground.
<p>"Gaïa" received the support of several scientists, of which the
astrophysicist Hubert Reeves. The benefit of the project "Gaïa" will
finance teaching programs, on the topic of ecology, in several countries.
<p>Bawolski@aol.com a écrit :
<blockquote TYPE=CITE><font face="Arial"><font size=-1>Check out Amazon
France. Search for Gaia and you'll find the</font></font>
<br><font face="Arial"><font size=-1>CD, which just came out March 17.
No Man's Land is the lead track.</font></font>
<br><font face="Arial"><font size=-1>Can't tell you much more because I
don't speak French.</font></font></blockquote>