Re[1]: [Powderworks] OILS/INXS/MARILLION
Stephen Scott
Sun, 31 Mar 2002 04:11:40 -0700 (MST)
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I have to agree with Julian here. Michaels lyrics in the last album were terrible, but
Andrew Farriss writes the music, which is the core of INXS's sound. I am absolutely
gutted that they are playing live in the states with Simple Minds. I really hope they make
it over to Europe. Same goes for the Oils. INXS's new singer Jon Stevens, formerlly of
Noiseworks is one of the best vocalists around, and to hear him sing the classic INXS
songs would be great. INXS are releasing a single disc best of (again, I know) with 2 new
tracks, and re-releasing Kick, X & Welcome to wherever you are with lots of new tracks
and demo's. I think that after these albums come out, they can finally lay Michael
Hutchence's ghost to rest, and we can look forward to new music with Jon Stevens as the
new singer
As for someone saying that a band cannot carry on without their frontman, maybe that is
true for the Oils, but there are loads of bands who have done it with success. My
favourite one is Marillion. They had Fish as a lead singer and loads of hits. When he left,
they recruited Steve Hogarth, who is everything Fish was not. He brought melody to
Marillions amazing songs, and as a consequence, Marillion are better now, than they ever
were with their first singer.
Look at Genesis. Peter Gabriel was the first singer. They replaced him with Phil Collins,
and the rest is history. They replaced Phil Collins with the singer of Stiltskin, but that
didn't work out.
Look at Van Halen. After David Lee Roth fell foul of Mr. Van Halen, they brought in
Sammy Hagar and went massive. Then they replaced Sammy with the lead singer of
Extreme, and that didn't work out. (Trivia for fact fans.....before Van Halen hired the
Extreme guy, they had nearly picked Jon Stevens as their new singer. They loved his
voice, but thought his image didn't suit...hair wasn't long enough probably).
I suppose the lesson learnt from this is that it is OK to change your singer once, but not
three times.
Can anyone out there give us any more examples of groups changing singers....I know
there are loads. I know Dodgy have done it, but didn't make it with the new guy.
See ya later
"This is a mad house"
> -------Original message-------
> From "Julian Shaw" <julian@monkeyfamily.freeserve.co.uk>
> Date 31/03/2002 11:37:57
> I think the INXS case is very different to Midnight Oil. The most talented
> song writers(s) in INXS are still alive. Inxs could do well to inject some
> new blood into the band. And if they are recording new material then good on
> them - I certainly am looking forward to some more Andrew Farriss songs.
> Indeed I thought Hutchence's lyrics towards the end were becoming
> embarrassing. Andrew Farriss and other band members (early on in the bands
> career) wrote some great tunes with good lyrics. In the early 80's the
> sounds of INXS and Midnight Oil were not worlds apart.
> PG could never be replaced. But I think it has more to do with his attitude
> and stage presence than his musical ability (which of course is still
> exceptional). Who else could you take as seriously at PG?
> Julian Lewis Shaw
> Man, Myth or Monkey? Find out:
> http://www.jlshaw.co.uk
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Jonathan Hart"
> To: "powderworks"
> Sent: Saturday, March 30, 2002 10:09 PM
> Subject: FW: [Powderworks] OILS/INXS
> > Several good points here...but one question:
> >
> > Honestly, how can they go on? Do you think MO would go on if PG died? Do
> > you think Led Zeppelin should have gone on without John Bonham?
> >
> > IMHO, when a band loses an integral member, without whom they COULDN'T BE
> > the same band, they should just end it.
> >
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: powderworks-admin@cs.colorado.edu
> > [mailto:powderworks-admin@cs.colorado.edu]On Behalf Of Janie Wright
> > Sent: Saturday, March 30, 2002 1:31 PM
> > To: dancingtoad69@hotmail.com
> > Cc: powderworks@cs.colorado.edu
> > Subject: Re: [Powderworks] OILS/INXS
> >
> >
> >
> > Yes, INXS with out Michael... I am soo torn over this subject I love both
> > bands!! I hate it that oils fans speak soo ill of INXS. When I went to
> see
> > the Oils last year in Seattle, I was fortunate enough to meet them ( A
> > overdue THANK YOU to the Powderworkers that made it happen !!) I had a 20
> > minute each conversation with Martin and Jim about INXS/Sydney/Michael.
> > They both said to me how glad they were to see INXS still going on after
> > Michaels passing and how it was best for both bands not to do the Aussie
> > Bite tour, because each band can very easily do a 2 hour set and on the
> > tour they would only get 40 minutes.. Not enought time at all to really
> show
> > what they can do. I also met Tim Farriss whem I was in Sydney, he is a
> very
> > nice man, as well as talented musician. I did not speak about the oils
> with
> > him, but he was telling me how much he supports aussie music, getting out
> to
> > international audiences. I do agree it was not the best of statements, but
> > if we were all condemed over one statement, what does that say about us
> as
> > human beings?? I am sure everyone on this board has said something they
> > wish they had not at some point in there lives. Also, yeah Tim was upset
> > when the tour was canceled cos he was alone in the states promoting the
> tour
> > by him self. So I could see how he would be wounded.
> > Bye the way .... They have recorded new music with out Michael and are
> going
> > to preview it on this upcoming tour, and going to try and get another
> record
> > contract as well. I do not think they should stop being INXS because
> > Michael made a mistake, it is not like he is still alive and they kicked
> him
> > out. He died, I think Michael would want them to continue as INXS, they
> had
> > just as much input in the band as he did for 23 years. All of this has me
> > stuck between a serious rock and a hard place.
> >
> > Thank you for hearing me out... I wait the flames... sadly..
> > Janie
> >
> > >From: "Dale Ortiz"
> > >To:
> > >Subject: [Powderworks] OILS/INXS
> > >Date: Sat, 30 Mar 2002 04:00:04 -0500
> > >
> > >INXS w/out Michael Hutchence? Forget it. he was the heart and soul of the
> > >group. Now that he's gone, there is nothing left. They were a great band.
> > >INXS was awesome. Why don't they accept the fact that it's over and move
> > >on. Or, play new songs, nothing from the Hutchence era. Perhaps even
> rename
> > >the band. It's a damn shame hat happened to him. Oil made dents over
> here
> > >before. Maybe this new album will kick the door down.Get more from the
> Web.
> > > FREE MSN Explorer download : http://explorer.msn.com
> >
> >
> >
> >
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