[Powderworks] My mom's first impression of the OIls...from Letterman
Fri, 29 Mar 2002 12:47:50 -0500
Hi all,
Rich said I should share this giggle with the rest of the list....
I'm trying to convert my mom into the Domain of Oildom, and pushed her
to watch them on Letterman the other night (when doofus me ended up
falling asleep)....she did, out of curiosity, and emailed me with her
impressions the next day as follows:
"They only sang one song and I have no idea what it was. A group of
semi-old dudes, comparatively speaking. Lead singer looks like he has
just completed chemo and has some kind of spastic movement he can't
control, so I won't poke too much fun. ;-) Poor man."
I had to then give her an education on PG, which expanded into a
near-half-hour discourse on the Oils. Coulda gone on, but I think I'll
just plop her down in front of their 20,000 Watt RSL DVD & make her
watch it. I'm sure then she'll see the light! hehe
Rhonda :-)
PS...I think she's half-hooked now anyway...at least she agrees that
Hirsty is hot!
Speaking of which, I've made a computer desktop wallpaper scene in
Macintosh .tiff format which features the D&D cover with ghosted-in
images of several pics of Rob Hirst, one of PG, & a couple of the whole
band. It's a fair-sized file, but if anybody else would like the image
and has Aladdin Expander, I'd be happy to email it to you.
Unfortunately I'm on a 56k dialup and have no disc burning capabilities
here, but if you don't mind the wait, it's pretty cool picture!