[Powderworks] Oils/INXS.
Jo Daley
Fri, 29 Mar 2002 16:50:59 +1100
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<P>The following is a little snippet of an interview that was in MX, the paper handed out for free in Mlebourne, in the afternoons. Everyday there is a quick q & a with someone different. It was a bit of promotion for Tim Farriss as he was headlining a guitar festival at Frankston on that weekend. </P>
<P>Q.Who among your 80's rivals in the Oz rock industry did you most admire?</P>
<P>A.The only band I'd compare INXS with in terms of work ethic and dedication to succeed is AC/DC. They have put in a hell of a lot of work over a long period of time. Cold Chisel were great and they did well in Australia, but they couldn't do what we did.</P>
<P>Q. You mean make it in the States?</P>
<P>A.Yeah. While we were working our butts off they were arguing among themselves or not willing to put in the time. That's why Midnight Oil didn't make it overseas. They were happy with that and good on them, but it meant they never cracked it overseas.</P>
<P>Q.INXS has announced a 40-city tour of the US. Considering the band had seven top 10 hits there you must be looking forward to returning?</P>
<P>A. It brings back good and bad memories.The States are the States.They can be a bitch.But if you want to work as a rock band and acheive global success you have to go there. If you don't you're never going to get anywhere. I f you're happy with that- that's fine.</P>
<P>!!!!!!!! What do others think?</P>
<P>PS. This reminds me of a cover of the old Juke magazine in Aus when D&D came out. The headline was "Getting a Tan"which was apparently what Chris Murphy the INXS manager said the Oils were doing while INXS were hard at work. I still have the cover at home.</P>
<DIV><FONT color=#cc0000 face="Geneva, Arial, Sans-serif">"On the fields and farms of England, on the airstrips of the desert and the jungle, in the hangars of the Persian Gulf and on the tarmacs of the southern islands, I have walked and talked with God."</FONT></DIV>
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<DIV><FONT color=#cc0000 face="Geneva, Arial, Sans-serif">Tom Cutter. Round The Bend, Nevil Shute.<BR></FONT></DIV>
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