[Powderworks] Shalom NMOC
Thu, 28 Mar 2002 16:14:54 -0800 (PST)
Greetings Fellow Workers of the World,
Seems a bit ironic in light of recent events, but
I did want to wish everyone a peaceful Passover and a
joy-filled Easter holiday. I love it when these two
celebrations overlap. Especially with the full moon;
makes the events of 33 ad seem a bit more real and
immediate, when a certain Palestinian Jew entered
Jerusalem and said through sobs "Jerusalem, how I have
longed to hold you ... if only you had understood what
would bring you peace." (Luke 19)
Another Jew said 19 1/2 C.'s later :
"How long can I listen to the lies of prejudice?
How long can I stay drunk on fear
out in the wilderness?
Can I cast it aside,
all this loyalty and this pride?
Will I ever learn
that there'll be no peace,
that the war won't cease
Until He returns?"
~ Dylan (1979)
Ironic, isn't it, that the word religion -
"religio" in Latin - means 'connected'?
Anyway here's a sincere wish that your holiday,
whatever it is, will be filled with Faith, Hope and
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