[Powderworks] Oils wardrobe..or lack thereof......
Wed, 27 Mar 2002 23:06:36 -0800 (PST)
"No spin cycle deceit" and
"He hasn't got rinse action"...hmmmm
Sounds like laundry may be an issue for these guys.
And I'd pay big money to see that spiderman suit...
On Wed, 27 March 2002, Rumor63@aol.com wrote
> I have been the Oils biggest fan long enough to
pretend that I know
> something.....They have always worn the same clothes
for pics and shows... it
> amazes me that some shirts still pop up in pics after
many years!!! I always
> was partial to the newspaper print jumpsuit!!!! And
the 10 to 1 scan bar
> shirt....(almost 20 years old) ..Mine got retired
this time.......they signed
> it and I dont think Ill be wearing it again.... Life
is good!!! Linda
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