FW: [Powderworks] Capricanada, eh...cont'd
Wed, 27 Mar 2002 12:02:12 -0800 (PST)
On Tue, 26 March 2002, Jonathan Hart wrote
> The most golf courses per capita in Canada !!!
Too true, Jonathan, and the most cars per capita as
well. We've got a long way to go. But underneath all
that excess, I believe/hope/sense that there is a
current for change, and for thinking and acting
differently. And I do love this city, even if it is THE
bastion of western capitalist pigdogism. ;)
cheers, and see you at the ball!
"When you've got a dream like mine
Nobody can take you down...
Beautiful rocks, beautiful grass
Beautiful soil where they both combine
Beautiful river - covering sky
Never thought of possession
But all this was mine..."
~ Cockburn
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