[Powderworks] Capricanada, eh...cont'd
Tue, 26 Mar 2002 19:29:13 -0800 (PST)
Howdy Powderhogs 'n Heifers,
Greetings from Cowtown, Alberta, and let me say
Dudes, the cd arrived here in Calgary at A&B sound last
week. And hey Jonathan - I can't afford more than the
one until payday, then I may treat a few pals.
Meanwhile, we watched the Letterman tune in school this
am, and the kids are taking a real shine to Golden Age.
It may surpass Beds and Harrisburg as this year's class
anthem. :)
For Calgary workers: I'm at the U of C and just did a
walkabout campus mooing along with aforementioned disc
- the new Mac Hall ballroom is a smallish, noisey,
raucous room with a kind of sweaty vibe. It's gonna be
one of those nights. Tonight there was some kind of Far
Eastern bingo or auction thing going on. Imagined the
Oils up on the stage ---- can't wait..
Hey, speaking of Calgary, our beloved Cowtown was just
voted the cleanest city in the world. We also have the
only completely Wind powered light rail transit system
in NorAm, and one of the best engineered and maintained
bike and footpath systems to boot. Not bad for a town
that's been trashed regularly for being the capital of
fossil fuel production nationally. We're also nicely
placed to take the lead in renewable energy
development, being the sunniest and windiest region in
Canada, and a high tech center as well. The only
question remaining is will we have the political will
to seize the day.
Eco city here we come!! Well, here's hoping,
cheers and warm wishes from true north,
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