[Powderworks] Re: Preshow music
Tue, 26 Mar 2002 17:10:32 +1100
Hi rob, it was the John Butler Trio.
They played the same stuff before the Aussie Gigs in February. A good band
that play regularly around Melbourne and Sydney.
"Anyway, before they came on the sound guy was playing some good music and
was wondering if any of the Aussies there knew who it was. I tried to ask
the sound guy afterwards, but due to the volume of the show (the loudest
since the Brixton Acadmey (London) in 93/94? - A show so loud that pete
actually commented on the sound level and the need to place a sock or
someting in your ears) and being close to the left bank of speakers at the
front, I could hardly hear what he said. It sounded like John Burt Trio?
Could this be right? I'd love to get a hold of some of their stuff, so if
somebody knows exactly who and what it was I would greatly appreciate it.
E-mail me of list, or maybe other workers also liked what they heard."