[Powderworks] Oils and Sept 11
Jussi Korhonen
Mon, 25 Mar 2002 18:24:27 +0200
Bruce wrote:
>Oils DID write about Sept 11 when they wrote _Spirit of the Age_.
(re-read the lyrics) But in their inimitable fashion, the Oils did it
prophetically. :) Hope this
They kind of got the plane type wrong, huh? :) OK, not too funny.
>BTW, anybody else think that Spirit of the Age and Last of the Diggers
would fit neatly onto Capricornia? cheers, bruce
I think they would.. Spirit of the Age somewhere in the end and Diggers
among the first few songs. After Tone Poem or before Luritja Way. They
don't sound quite the same but maybe with some editing?
What number is Say Your Prayers on the US version?