[Powderworks] Kids at Gigs....
Sun, 24 Mar 2002 19:28:16 EST
When my son was 10 ( hes 18 now) I took him to see and meet the Oils.
He was in awe.....but then he was popping the Diesel and Dust tape in on his
way to pre-school years before!! They were very good to him and Rob and he
discussed how when Rob was little he would run around beating everything in
sight and would turn trash cans over and even drum at the dinner table!! My
son was the same way. They were all just wonderful and I was extremely happy
that I made the descision to take him. They are a wonderful influence to
expose your children to! The music was a little loud for him to take... I
recommend taking earplugs in case!!! He still has his autographed CD with 10
forever signed on it!!! I Love those guys. I cant say enough. Im
choking up...............