[Powderworks] Re: Hatchshell information for Boston
Kate Adams
Sun, 24 Mar 2002 12:07:14 -0500
Of course there are lots of guys in cutoff short shorts and guys with no
shirts playing Frisbee to goggle at as well ;-). Wouldn't count on bikini
weather though. Aside from the fleshathon, its a great concert to bring
the kids to as well ... especially if they have been begging to see the Oils.
ALSO, if you go to this show, RIDE YOUR BIKE! Massbike will have valet
bike parking all day, so you can drop off your bike with my husband's
buddies in a secure parking facility and go head for the stage without
dealing with the byzantine rat maze leading from the T to the esplanade ...
and you won't have to march in lockstep with twenty thousand people vying
for a space in the red line sardine ordeal at the end of the concert. I
know the area very well ... e-mail me for directions and good biking routes
if you want to try it.
(If you see an odd rig comprised of a battered white urban pothole jumping
bike, a child's tandem trailing bike, and a Burley trailer all hitched
together ... well, come say hi.)
WBOS is running the show again this year ... as they have for at least a
decade now. I remember when I worked for Greenpeace they were
exceptionally nice to us. I rarely listen to the station because I'm under
40 and I can't relate to it yet, but they are good folk who are committed
to the values of earth day on a personal and organizational basis.
p.s. When my husband was a member of the adjacent Community Boating ($1 a
year for kids, extremely inexpensive for adults), we would take in concerts
while sailing around the Charles ... and the sound out there is absolutely
superb if luffing sails don't obscure it. No PG sweat showers either.
Josh Sez:
"Im in the DC area right now but lived in the Boston area for about 25
years. Anyway for those of you who dont know I believe the Earth day is put
on by the local radio station WBOS 92.9FM. Well, last year it was.
Sometimes it changes hands. the website is www.wbos.com. What it means. THE
SHOW IS FREE!!!! in the open on the banks of the charles river. Great place
to get some sun, see some hot girls in bikinis and meet people. The only
bad thing. If you are not up near the stage the sound isn't that good and
the set list wont be that long. That is all josh ===== "
Kate Adams
Graduate Student
Department of Work Environment
UMass Lowell
Global Free Trade: All the economic benefits of colonialism, without all
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