[Powderworks] Philadelphia show??
John Palmer
Sun, 24 Mar 2002 01:27:58 -0500
The Baltimore show was cancelled ages ago, as can be seen on TiketBastard's
website...Too bad, as I live only like less than 15 mins away from the
----- Original Message -----
From: "Anne Pedersen" <AEPedersen@sheller.com>
To: <POWDERWORKS@cs.colorado.edu>
Sent: Saturday, March 23, 2002 9:43 PM
Subject: [Powderworks] Philadelphia show??
> Hi, all,
> I wouldn't let my 10 yr old aspiring drummer go to the last show, as it
was a school night, and promised he'd be front and center when the band
returned in the spring. He's dreaming of jumping for a stick....
> While I've heard some hopeful speculations, I've seen nothing confirmed
for Philadelphia this week, when it would seem most likely.
> So am I taking him to Baltimore or DC (NY's now sold out!)? Is the
Baltimore show still a go? Any information appreciated.
> Anne (mom of Scott, who says Progress is still his favorite song)
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