[Powderworks] KFOG show setlist
Randy Van Vliet
Sat, 23 Mar 2002 11:04:34 -0800 (PST)
Agreed, Agreed. I was about 6 rows behind you on the
other side of the aisle! I had all 3 of my kids and
the all really enjoyed it, my 7 year year old
daughter was dancing in the aisle until the noise got
to her. It was much louder than the Fillmore show
last year as I recall. And it was much better than I
expected considering that they went on at 7:00 in an
amusement park auditorium that normally has the Fred
Flintstone show or whatever. And since the crowd was
sitting for the first half I was surprised that the
band had so much energy. Once we stood up and danced
it got even better (unfortunately that's when Jenna
began to feel the effects of the noise). The place
held something like 1400 and I'd bet it was 2/3 full.
Somebody threw an Anti-Nukes t-shirt onto the stage at
one point and Peter said thanks and put it on one of
the amps so it faced the audience. I'm looking
forward to May 7.
I think the only change in the set list is that I
recall Blue Sky Mine as being with the acoustic
package but I could be wrong.
A couple of other notes, this is the first time I had
heard Overpass and I was blown away. Destined to be
one of my favorites, lots of emotion (by the way, how
does Peter get that raw emotion in his voice with out
screeching? Every time I try it I just end up
screaming and the wife tells me to stop it). I loved
Time To Heal, also one of my favorites and they really
went off on Sometimes. My 14 year daughter actually
dropped the gloves and danced and yelped when it
looked like Peter was going to broadside Martin on one
of his spinning, spazzing trips across the stage.
Gotta go mow the lawn. Kind of a letdown after a
night of thrill rides (MO being the best!)
--- borg <Oilsfan@the-borg.org> wrote:
> I agree with the review below, very good concert, I
> had a seat on the front row
> on the left side, the nearest I have been to the
> stage in a long time. Strange
> thing was there were 3 empty seats to my left.
> I had my 4 year old daughter with me for the first
> half of the set, she was a
> little spooked by the cows mooing at the
> start but seemed to enjoy the Oils. Peter was in
> fine rambling form and Bones did a
> guitar walk down one the aisle of the club
> for one song ,(short memory i think).
> Simon
> Walnut Creek
> leftjab wrote:
> > 22 March 2002, Santa Clara, CA, Paramount Theater,
> Great America Amusement Park
> >
> > Redneck Wonderland
> > Too Much Sunshine
> > Bullroarer
> > Under the Overpass
> > Dreamworld
> > Luritja Way (Rob stand up kit, acoustic guitars)
> > Time to Heal ( " )
> > Golden Age ( " )
> > Short Memory ( " )
> > Blue Sky Mining (I think they went back to usual
> set up)
> > Say Your Prayers
> > Sometimes
> > Dead Heart
> > King of the Mountain
> > Forgotten Years
> >
> > E: Beds are Burning
> >
> > about 80 minutes, but once the crowd got into it,
> time and amount of songs
> > didn't matter. everyone was sitting the first
> half, the pretty nice and
> > decently sized theater wasn't totally filled, and
> no one wanted to get up
> > and dance. once the crowd stood up, though, we
> didn't sit back down, and
> > the energy level was amazing for this sort of
> contest show, there were a
> > lot of fans, and new ones no doubt. it just felt
> amazing listening, they
> > are all so good.
> >
> > they also confirmed the SF Warfield show on May 7
> :)
> >
> > i'm off on vacation for a week in a few minutes
> and won't be able to post
> > to the list, but had to share the songs. Hope
> KFOG replays most of it
> > (they usually play around 55 minutes of their
> shows) in the not too distant
> > future.
> >
> > Jonathan
> >
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