[Powderworks] More HOB Hollywood
Sat, 23 Mar 2002 12:53:22 EST
I forgot to mention that when I asked the sound guy about the Oils plans for
break I also asked him if he thought they'd play in L. A. again on their way
from the second leg of the tour. He said he thought that they would. I
I should have asked him if there were a lot of tour stops to be added that
been announced yet, but he was pretty busy getting ready for the show and I
didn't want to bug him too much. I get the feeling that there are a lot of
still to be announced.
I also wanted to mention Bullroarer - I really love that song live. In
concert it
has a much harder edge than the studio version. Martin and Jim were just
hammering the power chords in that song. That and Only the Strong were
big highlights of the evening for me.