[Powderworks] Capricornia review
Sat, 23 Mar 2002 00:07:01 -0400
It irritated me that the author of that review expected MO's new album to
"address" September 11. It is a typically egocentric American mindframe to
think that OUR tragedy is so much worse than the many other terrible things
that have happened in the world. Yes, I am American, and yes, I am
horrified by what happened, but I recently learned something else that
really disturbed me: In 1982 thousands of unarmed and defenseless
Palestinian refugees-- old men, women and children-- were butchered in a
massacre by Lebanese soldiers funded by Israel who is funded by ...guess
who. This took place at the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps in Lebanon. On
December 16, 1982 the United Nations General Assembly condemned the massacre
and declared it to be an act of genocide. Has anyone heard about this? I
certainly hadn't until just a few days ago. The fact that a tragedy of such
scale was completely ignored by the world, and yet we expect international
artists to address OUR tragedy, boggles my mind.
Please, not to start a huge Sept. 11 discussion and I certainly don't want
to get into the Israel-Palestine thing with anyone on this list as feelings
generally run high on the issue, including my own. But in the interest of
infecting truth, I encourage people to check out sabra-shatila.org or some
of the other web resources about the massacre. Warning, the site is quite
graphic in the photo gallery. I personally couldn't look at it after the
first couple of pictures.
Sorry for the NMOC.
"when will i be yours...when will i be mine?" --midnight oil
> From: Bawolski@aol.com
> Date: Thu, 21 Mar 2002 19:24:58 EST
> To: powderworks@cs.colorado.edu
> Subject: [Powderworks] Capricornia review
> I found this link today to a review of Capricornia in the Washington Post.
> Unlike others I've seen it's not such a good one, but I figured people may
> want to read it
> anyway.
> http://eg.washingtonpost.com/profile/1065312/?&fid=&context=music
> You have to scroll down a little ways to get to the review. Sorry if the
> link has
> already been posted.
> Mike
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