[Powderworks] San Diego Show
John White
Fri, 22 Mar 2002 18:05:35 -0800
as i was apparently the _only person_ at the show, i guess i'll have to
annotate the setlist:
On Thu, 21 Mar 2002, The Oilman wrote:
> San Diego setlist from a friend
[mooing noises (or 'cow sounds', for the literati), band comes on, PG
wearing nuke shirt, martin and jim wearing some kind of shirts, bones
wearing life preserver shirt (was it?), rob wearing something]
> redneck wonderland
> written in the heart
! so wonderfully surprising to hear this one. as timely as short memory...
> mosquito march
> bullroarer
> overpass
> too much sunshine
with sunshine-y yellow glaring lights on the band, fun!
[everyone up front]
> luritja way
> time to heal
> warakurna
they didn't play this last fall when i saw them at HOB, but this
made up for it.... 'some people live, some never die...'
> short memory
> blue sky mine
[back to positions]
PG does a little blues harmonica ditty before truganini.
> truganini
> golden age
> hercules
> dead heart
PG gives awesome performance, wailing away on e string
for the last note.
> kink of the mountain
with a smoking porn groove bassline :)
> dreamworld
[PG's wearing ... what does it say?!]
> forgotten years
> power & passion
[obligatory drum solo on corrugated metal!]
> beds
> in the valley
jim on piano, rob backing.
> sometimes
PG had some choice words to say about enron et al... liked the
'debranding my consciousness' rant--shades of _no logo_.
also saw some guy in a head injuries shirt--shouldn't that thing
be in a museum or protective laminated cover?!
in the end, it was totally rocking. except that most people need
to jump around/dance more. except the blonde girl near jim's
side--that was just about right. but if you're just going to stand
there with five-foot-long dreds, move :)
also, my vocal/aural senses needed a day to recover, so it must have
been good. wish they'd played 'tone poem', though...