[Powderworks] bones on radio very soon!
Thu, 21 Mar 2002 11:05:26 -0500
ugggg - did anyone hear that interview??
i've never listened to those dj's before, but are they always that
annoying?? - and just dumb??
the interview lasted probably about 5 minutes and in that time they said,
"now who ran for political office?"..."he probably didn't win because of his
bald head" (couldn't they come up with something better than that?!) and
they asked bones if peter was still bald and if he rubbed it for good
luck??!! - where is the relevance? i'm speechless - i can see bones now
telling the band in disgust and laughter about the conversation. "those damn
american dj's".
it's as good as bob costas' comment after the oils performed during the
closing ceremonies. paying no attention to the political statement the oils
were making and being completely ignorant to the meaning of 'beds' he said,
"well, that was just midnight oil with the ever lasting question...how can
we dance when our beds are burning"
dumb dumb dumb - all of 'em!
oh and they ended the interview by playing "beds" - not any of their new
on 3/21/02 9:40 AM, nina at ninajill73@hotmail.com wrote:
> on KFOG. i'm listening online (from the east coast).
> the url is: http://www.kfog.com to download the streaming audio.
> they said bones was going to be up next!
> -nina
> on 3/21/02 1:55 AM, borg at Oilsfan@the-borg.org wrote:
>> THIS JUST IN: Join KFOG Wingding headliners Midnight Oil as they join
>> the KFOG Morning Show tomorrow, March 21st!
>> --
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