[Powderworks] Unbelievable.
Dale Ortiz
Wed, 20 Mar 2002 22:45:56 -0500
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I just read an old message from Brian Hudell, on the board. At the end, h=
e says about me "Be careful with this guy." Interesting, very interestin=
g. What am I going to do, reach through the computer and choke someone? O=
h well, it's old news. I hope this troubled person is able to put whateve=
r animosity he has toward me and anyone else behind him. This is supposed=
to be about Midnight Oil, not about how "foolish" I appear to be or what=
an "idiot" I am. Get more from the Web. FREE MSN Explorer download : h=
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<HTML><BODY STYLE=3D"font:10pt verdana; border:none;"><DIV>I just read an=
old message from Brian Hudell, on the board. At the end, he says about m=
e "Be careful with this guy." Interesting, very interesting. What a=
m I going to do, reach through the computer and choke someone? Oh well, i=
t's old news. I hope this troubled person is able to put whatever animosi=
ty he has toward me and anyone else behind him. This is supposed to be ab=
out Midnight Oil, not about how "foolish" I appear to be or what an "idio=
t" I am. <BR><BR></DIV></BODY></HTML><br clear=3Dall><hr>Get more f=
rom the Web. FREE MSN Explorer download : <a href=3D'http://explorer.msn=