Re[1]: [Powderworks] Progressive/Psychedelia in OZ - NMOC
Stephen Scott
Tue, 19 Mar 2002 01:24:41 -0700 (MST)
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Hi Lou,
Have seen you on the Seance list before. Must say I love the Church stuff, and am
planning to get the other Kilbey stuff like the Crystal Set and the Bhagavad Guitars and
the Penny Drops. If Steve's brothers have an ounce of his talent, then they will be great.
I have the guilt trip album, which is certainly different. I think my Church collection
elcipses my Oils collection. If you count side/solo/collaboration projects then I have 49
CD albums, 2 videos and numerous singles. Talk about prolific. I wish the oils would be
like that sometimes.
Keep the faith!
> -------Original message-------
> From lou <loulou@zip.com.au>
> Date 17/03/2002 14:09:22
> prickin' up my ears at the sound of the K word (Kilbey of
> kourse)
> Alexei, do you have 5 Days in a Photon Belt by the brothers
> Russell and John Kilbey, under the name of Warp Factor Nine? I think it's
> their best project, away from Steve, myself. and waaaaay trippy! Julian,
> I presume you've got this one?
> it's based on an fax that one of the K's received back in 1992 about the
> earth being plunged into 5 days of night, or day (of course the fax
> couldn't say which would happen...). pretty amusing stuff, you can read
> the originals at
> http://www.karmichit.com/wf9_fax_page.htm
> more on the brothers K - I managed to get to the Karmic Hit launch
> party last week, Karmic Hit being their studio/label. apart from much
> K-ness there was also an unfortunately way-too-short performance
> by Margot Smith. if you like The Church, I reckon she's the closest thing
> you can get to a female Steve Kilbey...she's triffic.
> back to somewhere else,
> Lou
> At 08:48 AM 3/17/02 +0200, ALEXEI wrote:
> Steve and Russell Kilby are way
> more into psychedelia than Church is oftentimes said to be--get their
> Gilt Trip album.
> come up and see my etchings...no, really...
> http://www.geocities.com/loubottle/
> CD launch - for gig review and setlist go to
> http://www.geocities.com/matt_finish_site/
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