[Powderworks] Coming to CA next week! Need help!
Krusty Fries
Mon, 18 Mar 2002 19:54:07 +1100 (EST)
--- "R. B. Norton" <rbnorton@attbi.com> wrote: > I'm planning on coming
to SoCal next week for the San Diego and West
> Hollywood shows, but I'm trying to go cheap or else I can't go at all!
> I'll be flying into Orange County airport Wednesday morning about
> 11:00AM,
> and driving directly to San Diego. I could really use a place to stay
> after etc. etc. etc.
I can vouch for Brian, he is neat and tidy & house trained (so I'm told).
So dont be scared people! Give hom some floor! However don't ask him
wehere he wants to go and drink, he does have very bad taste in bars, I
will never forget the Caddyshack experience. That was fun, eh Brian!! ;)
Krusty Fries
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