[Powderworks] HELLO.
Dale Ortiz
Sun, 17 Mar 2002 19:41:47 -0500
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Well, apparently I sent my complaints to the wrong email or site. I did n=
ot know they were appearing on the list as some person named Brian so kin=
dly pointed out, by calling me an idiot about seventy-five times.
One or two people were nicer about it, but there appears to be a few othe=
r clowns. I am sorry but I don't have time to read every list. The proble=
m with these things is that they send us about two or three of these a da=
y. It would be better and more time efficient to us to receive one per we=
ek. Not everyone has 22 hours a day to read it all. Some of us have to sl=
eep, and work, and run errands for our families. But I do remember someth=
ing about someone asking what our favorite bands are. Here's mine:
1. Billy Joel
2. Creedence Clearwater Revival
3. Texas Tornados
4. Sir Douglas Quintet
5. Neil Diamond
(This is where it starts getting tough for me)
6. ...Loretta Lynn
7. Johnny Cash
(I really don't know)
8. Rod Stewart
9. Rolling Stones/Mick Jagger
10. The Beatles/and/or solo
11. Phil Collins/Genesis
12. Elton John
13. Brooks & Dunn
14. George Thorogood & The Destroyers
(I'm just winging it now)
15. Bob Seger & The Silver Bullet Band....
16. Herman's Hermits
17. Men At Work
18. Midnight Oil...
(I'm Really not sure)
19. They Might Be Giants
20. Talking Heads
21. Counting Crows
22. Live
23. B52s
24. Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaghhhh!!!!!
See, I messed up. Roy Orbison and Elvis Presley should have been in my to=
p five. The Pretenders and AC/DC should have been in my top ten. Tom Pett=
y & The Heartbreakers should have been in my top ten... The Traveling Wil=
burys..... Fuel and Sevendust should have been in my top twenty five...Th=
is is impossible. I also forgot Paul Simon, Billy Idol, Eddie Money, Tina=
Turner, Patsy Cline, Buddy Holly, Del Shannon,...et. etc. etc....Madness=
, INXS..... blahblahblabbityblahblahGet more from the Web. FREE MSN Expl=
orer download : http://explorer.msn.com
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<HTML><BODY STYLE=3D"font:10pt verdana; border:none;"><DIV>Well, apparent=
ly I sent my complaints to the wrong email or site. I did not know they w=
ere appearing on the list as some person named Brian so kindly pointed ou=
t, by calling me an idiot about seventy-five times.</DIV> <DIV>One or two=
people were nicer about it, but there appears to be a few other clowns. =
I am sorry but I don't have time to read every list. The problem with the=
se things is that they send us about two or three of these a day. It woul=
d be better and more time efficient to us to receive one per week. Not ev=
eryone has 22 hours a day to read it all. Some of us have to sleep, and w=
ork, and run errands for our families. But I do remember something about =
someone asking what our favorite bands are. Here's mine:</DIV> <DIV>1. Bi=
lly Joel</DIV> <DIV>2. Creedence Clearwater Revival</DIV> <DIV>3. Texas T=
ornados</DIV> <DIV>4. Sir Douglas Quintet</DIV> <DIV>5. Neil Diamond</DIV=
> <DIV>(This is where it starts getting tough for me)</DIV> <DIV>6. ...Lo=
retta Lynn</DIV> <DIV>7. Johnny Cash</DIV> <DIV>(I really don't know)</DI=
V> <DIV>8. Rod Stewart</DIV> <DIV>9. Rolling Stones/Mick Jagger</DIV> <DI=
V>10. The Beatles/and/or solo<BR>11. Phil Collins/Genesis</DIV> <DIV>12. =
Elton John</DIV> <DIV>13. Brooks & Dunn</DIV> <DIV>14. George Thorogo=
od & The Destroyers</DIV> <DIV>(I'm just winging it now)</DIV> <DIV>1=
5. Bob Seger & The Silver Bullet Band....</DIV> <DIV>16. Herman's Her=
mits</DIV> <DIV>17. Men At Work</DIV> <DIV>18. Midnight Oil...</DIV> <DIV=
>(I'm Really not sure)</DIV> <DIV>19. They Might Be Giants</DIV> <DIV>20.=
Talking Heads</DIV> <DIV>21. Counting Crows</DIV> <DIV>22. Live</DIV> <D=
IV>23. B52s</DIV> <DIV>24. Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaghhhh!!!!!</=
DIV> <DIV>See, I messed up. Roy Orbison and Elvis Presley should have bee=
n in my top five. The Pretenders and AC/DC should have been in my top ten=
. Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers should have been in my top ten... The=
Traveling Wilburys..... Fuel and Sevendust should have been in my top tw=
enty five...This is impossible. I also forgot Paul Simon, Billy Idol, Edd=
ie Money, Tina Turner, Patsy Cline, Buddy Holly, Del Shannon,...et. etc. =
etc....Madness, INXS..... blahblahblabbityblahblah<BR></DIV></BODY></HTML=
><br clear=3Dall><hr>Get more from the Web. FREE MSN Explorer download :=
<a href=3D'http://explorer.msn.com'>http://explorer.msn.com</a><br></p>