[Powderworks] Palladium (NMOC)
Mon, 18 Mar 2002 00:13:33 +1100
managed to catch the lovely Oils-support Palladium boys last night at the
Newtown Theatre (where the Oils did that Channel V thing).
the boys were in a funny old mood - the gigs they did this week were a Jim
Beam promo - only their agent hadn't told them that...nor did the promoters
seem to be doing much promoting. nonetheless the gig was great, a shame
there was only a coupla dozen people there. they had a solution to that,
though - they got the whole audience up on the stage for the last two
songs. very amusing :)
thanks to the infamously-schmoozy McFrog we went drinking with them
afterwards...I can say, they are excellent value and can put the VB away.
Kristi, you missed an opportunity to show off your pool skills...
back to nOrmAL,
come up and see my etchings...no, really...
CD launch - for gig review and setlist go to