[Powderworks] Another Capricornia opinion
Julian Shaw
Fri, 15 Mar 2002 23:13:43 -0000
Regarding hits I think this album has the most catchy songs the band have
ever done. It's a real pop record. Have the guys sold out? Hehehe just
kidding. I love it! But if the band were aiming to be radio friendly then
this hits the spot!
Julian Lewis Shaw
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----- Original Message -----
From: "Jussi Korhonen" <jussihk@kolumbus.fi>
To: <powderworks@cs.colorado.edu>
Sent: Friday, March 15, 2002 7:57 PM
Subject: [Powderworks] Another Capricornia opinion
> I've been listening to Capricornia for a week now, and I thought I'd write
> a few lines about it. My net connection has been down for the past 3 weeks
> so I'm only catching up on other people's reviews now..
> Got my copy from Whammo and they included the Golden Age single too. I
> hadn't heard any of the songs before, not even the live versions so every
> song on the album is new to me. That's quite something. Anyway I really
> like the sound on the album, easily the best the Oils have ever done in my
> opinion. Especially the guitars and the vocals. As for the songs, my
> favourites are Luritja Way and Tone Poem. Great pair of songs there. Too
> Much Sunshine would be truly outstanding if it only had one more verse,
> I quite like it this way too. Reminds me of Mr. Doomsday. Golden Age,
> Capricornia and Mosquito March are all good Been Away Too Long or World
> That I See do not sound as good as the other songs, but I think World That
> I See needs to grow on me first.. I hated it at first but not any longer.
> (But does anyone else hear "there's no air" in the chorus?) Unfortunately,
> I can't say I like Under the Overpass or Poets & Slaves.. especially
> Overpass is really tedious and I end up skipping to the next song since it
> takes too long to start. And I can't stand the chorus. But overall I think
> the album is excellent - quite a welcome change after the previous full
> studio album. Wouldn't mind if it was a bit longer though, if I skip
> Overpass it only leaves about 35 minutes.
> There's this one thing again - I don't know if the album has a "hit song"
> that the band might need overseas. Maybe Too Much Sunshine?
> Jussi
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