[Powderworks] LMOC - Apology
Fri, 15 Mar 2002 16:08:24 -0600
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I need to apologiize to anyone who might be jonesin on my top 15 bands re=
quest at a time when our beloved Oils have recently released the outstand=
ing Capricornia. We should probably be focusing more on the things Oily.=
At the same time thanks for all the posts. It really gives a person an=
idea of tastes of fellow workers out there. With the the possibility of=
of checking out sound samples on different on-line music shops a person =
can actually check out what some of these bands sound like.
Someone mentioned/asked on which release does P. Garrett use the word "Fi=
It's on Blue Sky Mining and the track is "One Country"
One island
Our placemat
One firmament
One element
One moment
One fusion
Yes, and one time"
Bye for now,
Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1"
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<HTML><BODY STYLE=3D"font:10pt verdana; border:none;"><DIV>I need to apol=
ogiize to anyone who might be jonesin on my top 15 bands request at a tim=
e when our beloved Oils have recently released the outstanding Capricorni=
a. We <STRONG>should </STRONG>probably be focusing more on the thin=
gs Oily. At the same time thanks for all the posts. It really=
gives a person an idea of tastes of fellow workers out there. With=
the the possibility of of checking out sound samples on different on-lin=
e music shops a person can actually check out what some of these bands so=
und like.</DIV> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV>Someone mentioned/asked on which r=
elease does P. Garrett use the word "Firmament".</DIV> <DIV>It's on Blue =
Sky Mining and the track is "One Country"</DIV> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV>"T=
ransgression</DIV> <DIV>Redemption</DIV> <DIV>One island</DIV> <DIV>Our p=
lacemat</DIV> <DIV><STRONG>One firmament</STRONG></DIV> <DIV>One element<=
/DIV> <DIV>One moment</DIV> <DIV>One fusion</DIV> <DIV>Yes, and one time"=
</DIV> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV>Bye for now,</DIV> <DIV>Tim</DIV> <DIV><BR>=