[Powderworks] A little bit of everything.....and maybe a lot
of n othing
Jason Tattershall
Sat, 16 Mar 2002 08:50:23 +1100
That might be me Tammy !
I might have told the list a couple of years ago about my licence plate
TAT as in nickname for surname - OIL for
Are there others ????
> -----Original Message-----
> From: TL Cripps [SMTP:kelgura@sympatico.ca]
> Sent: Thursday, March 14, 2002 9:45 AM
> To: Powderworks Mailing List
> Subject: [Powderworks] A little bit of everything.....and maybe a lot
> of n othing
> Hi,
> I just recently rejoined the mailing list and I thought I'd put my 2 cents
> in about a couple of things.
> I've always loved this list because it is such an education, politically
> and
> musically.
> As for being an Oils fan, I'm not sure how to classify myself. I would say
> that I have the majority of their catalogue with the exception of the new
> CD. Still waiting for the domestic release in Canada. And I've seen every
> Toronto area show since May, 1990. That had to be one of the coldest May
> we've had, during the show Peter had his head wrapped with a t-shirt and
> later you could see the steam rising off it! Hunters and Collectors
> opened
> the show and that began my 'lust' for the Hunnas.
> What gets me about Midnight Oil everytime I see them is how loud they are
> live. I think if people could get past the almost pop sound of 'Beds are
> burning' and get into other songs they could maybe understand some the
> passion Oil's fans have for the band.
> I just have something else to throw out here for the person that has
> vanity
> licence plate with Midnight Oil on it (sorry I can't remember the exact
> way
> that is done). Excellent choice!
> Tammy