[Powderworks] LMOC- The Hip
Thu, 14 Mar 2002 10:17:12 -0600
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Make that 3 Tragically Hip fans on the list! I too own their entire disc=
ography. Any specifics on their next release? Bye for now. =20
I'd like to add that Capricornia is great. I do appreciate the more "raw=
" side of some of the past Oil works(RW especially) but on the same hand =
appreciate diversity of their musical textures from disc to disc. I'm fu=
lly ready to expect change with each release(as long as releases keep com=
ing I'll always be grateful for their music) as I have enjoyed all their =
output. Hard to find music with meaning these days. =20
It is interesting how many of my favorite bands have strayed from "rawnes=
s" in their releases. A recent worker mentioned how Neil Finn's latest r=
elease does not have the same "rawness" of Split Enz and Crowded House bu=
t is great music nonetheless. I agree muchly. U2, R.E.M., Echo and the =
Bunneymen, The Fixx are other great bands that pretty much fit this evolu=
tion of sound. All these bands are still producing great music with a le=
sser "rawness". It's always nice when a band such as these produces an a=
lbum that reverts back to "rawness" however. But in the end, diversity a=
nd lyrics are key. We don't need album after album from any band which t=
end to all sound the same and have lyrics that demean the sound.
Tim's Hot band list(anything produced by these bands is usually life enri=
Midnight Oil
Neil and Tim Finn, Crowded House, Split Enz =20
Ultravox or solo Midge Ure
Echo and the Bunneymen or solo Ian McCulloch
The Fixx
The Tragically Hip
Love and Rockets
Alice in Chains
Nirvana(except for that part where Kurt swears he doesn't have a gun!!(ma=
y his soul R.I.P
Waterboys or solo Mike Scott
Robyn Hytchcock (or RH and the Egyptians)
Eleventh Dream Day(if you haven't checked them out; you're missin out!)
Paul Kelly(or PK and the Messengers)
Bonus Pick: If you can find it: The album "We Are Going To Eat You" (sel=
f-titled) is outstanding. =20
I hate to get this started; but I would enjoy knowing of any other worker=
s' all-time favorite top 15 bands EVER.
I'm usually a lurker but the post on The Tragically Hip got me fired up!
Bye for now,
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<HTML><BODY STYLE=3D"font:10pt verdana; border:none;"><DIV>Make that 3 Tr=
agically Hip fans on the list! I too own their entire discography.&=
nbsp; Any specifics on their next release? Bye for now. </DIV> <DIV=
> </DIV> <DIV>I'd like to add that Capricornia is great. I do =
appreciate the more "raw" side of some of the past Oil works(RW especiall=
y) but on the same hand appreciate diversity of their musical textur=
es from disc to disc. I'm fully ready to expect change with each re=
lease(as long as releases keep coming I'll always be grateful for their m=
usic) as I have enjoyed all their output. Hard to find music with m=
eaning these days. </DIV> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV>It is interesting =
how many of my favorite bands have strayed from "rawness" in their releas=
es. A recent worker mentioned how Neil Finn's latest release does n=
ot have the same "rawness" of Split Enz and Crowded House but is great mu=
sic nonetheless. I agree muchly. U2, R.E.M., Echo and the Bun=
neymen, The Fixx are other great bands that pretty much fit this evolutio=
n of sound. All these bands are still producing great music with a =
lesser "rawness". It's always nice when a band such as these produc=
es an album that reverts back to "rawness" however. But in the end,=
diversity and lyrics are key. We don't need album after album=
from any band which tend to all sound the same and have lyrics that =
;demean the sound.</DIV> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV>Tim's Hot band list(anyth=
ing produced by these bands is usually life enriching):</DIV> <DIV>Midnig=
ht Oil</DIV> <DIV>Neil and Tim Finn, Crowded House, Split Enz </DIV>=
<DIV>Ultravox or solo Midge Ure</DIV> <DIV>Echo and the Bunneymen or sol=
o Ian McCulloch</DIV> <DIV>The Fixx</DIV> <DIV>The Tragically Hip</DIV> <=
DIV>R.E.M.</DIV> <DIV>Love and Rockets</DIV> <DIV>Ride</DIV> <DIV>Alice i=
n Chains</DIV> <DIV>Nirvana(except for that part where Kurt swears he doe=
sn't have a gun!!(may his soul R.I.P</DIV> <DIV>Waterboys or solo Mike Sc=
ott</DIV> <DIV>Robyn Hytchcock (or RH and the Egyptians)</DIV> <DIV>Eleve=
nth Dream Day(if you haven't checked them out; you're missin out!)</DIV> =
<DIV>Paul Kelly(or PK and the Messengers)</DIV> <DIV>Bonus Pick=
: If you can find it: The album "We Are Going To Eat You" (self-tit=
led) is outstanding. </DIV> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV>I hate to get th=
is started; but I would enjoy knowing of any other workers' all-time favo=
rite top 15 bands <STRONG>EVER.</STRONG></DIV> <DIV><STRONG></STRONG>&nbs=
p;</DIV> <DIV><STRONG>I'm usually a lurker but the post on The Tragically=
Hip got me fired up!</STRONG></DIV> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV>Bye for now,<=
/DIV> <DIV>Tim</DIV> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV><BR><BR> </DIV></BODY></=