[Powderworks] A little bit of everything.....and maybe a lot of nothing
TL Cripps
Wed, 13 Mar 2002 17:45:02 -0500
I just recently rejoined the mailing list and I thought I'd put my 2 cents
in about a couple of things.
I've always loved this list because it is such an education, politically and
As for being an Oils fan, I'm not sure how to classify myself. I would say
that I have the majority of their catalogue with the exception of the new
CD. Still waiting for the domestic release in Canada. And I've seen every
Toronto area show since May, 1990. That had to be one of the coldest May
we've had, during the show Peter had his head wrapped with a t-shirt and
later you could see the steam rising off it! Hunters and Collectors opened
the show and that began my 'lust' for the Hunnas.
What gets me about Midnight Oil everytime I see them is how loud they are
live. I think if people could get past the almost pop sound of 'Beds are
burning' and get into other songs they could maybe understand some the
passion Oil's fans have for the band.
I just have something else to throw out here for the person that has vanity
licence plate with Midnight Oil on it (sorry I can't remember the exact way
that is done). Excellent choice!