[Powderworks] I can't help wondering....
Carl-Johan Stenerlöv
Wed, 13 Mar 2002 22:31:06 +0100
I couldn´t agree more. My friends bug me all the time, telling me I´m still
stuck in
5th grade, that´s when I first started preaching about the oil´s. That´s 12
years ago...
Today was the lowest, someone sent me http://www.davidhasselhoff.com
saying, this feels just as fresh as you still listening to Midnight Oil...
Almost wish Midnight Oil would go mainstream... or maybe not.
----- Original Message -----
From: "earthsunmoonmomma" <turnupthedrums@netscape.net>
To: <scissormansnip@yahoo.com>
Cc: <powderworks@cs.colorado.edu>
Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2002 2:28 PM
Subject: Re: [Powderworks] I can't help wondering....
> scissormansnip@yahoo.com wrote:
> >most of the time I get to know a person and I tell them
> >that Midnight Oil is one of my favorite bands, most of
> >them laugh in response. usually they say something along the lines of
"didn't they do that "Beds are Burning" song? and they laugh as if
> >they are some kind of one-hit wonder.
> >
> Ha!~ That is *exactly* the response my brother gave when I called to
> ask him to babysit my children so I can go to the 3/27 show. He
> laughed, sang the opening horn line from Beds and said "Are they still
> around?" "They never went away!!" I said. I know if he came with me to
> the show he would be blown away and would fall in love with the Oils.
> I'm lending him some of my MO collection to give him a little education
> on great music that is never played on the radio.
> Andrea