[Powderworks] Laughter would be good...
Synne Hansen
Wed, 13 Mar 2002 19:09:44 +0100
People laughing when you name Midnight Oil as your favourite would mean
they've actually heard of them. I mostly get blank stares and "uh.. they
some Australian group?". Just moved into a new flat with people I didn't
know from before, and dragging my bags of CDs into the livingroom, was
given a weird look. Did I really think it was necessary to share my
music with the people? Well, yes, of course... Truth is, I have never
met another Oils-fan in person. Have managed to convert my mother, but
otherwise, I am alone. Sit in my room and play Capricornia (thank
whatever deity you believe in for the wonder that is ordering stuff on
internet), singing, dancing.. my roomies think I'm nuts.
Ah.. must be this hell-hole I live in (Norway. Good social services, top
class living, but the weather..). Or the fact that I live in a nation
ruled by MTV and McDonald's.
Maybe I should introduce myself. Name is Synne; I am 23, a student and
journalist from Oslo, Norway. Have been a fan since.. oooh.. 'bout '93?
when I accidentally caught the Oils' Unplugged on MTV (yup, The One Good
Thing MTV ever did for me - usually I curse their awful butts for making
me hum mindless tunes all day, just because my roommate is addicted to
that Shakira-song and turns on the TV first thing in the morning..).
Have seen them live twice - Seagulls, two nights in a row, december '96.
And please - PLEASE - let the rumours of an European tour be true - I
need my Oils. Anywhere in Europe, I will be there. Have passport (not
that I need it with this Schengen-thing going on), will travel. A lot.
Geez. Did not mean for this to be a long mail. Will stop now. Am crazy
email-writer, who have been accused of doing drugs while writing many a
time, but really, it's only the music. And some coffee.