Fwd: [Powderworks] Powe & The Passi
Tom Davies
Mon, 11 Mar 2002 17:55:28 -0500
I've wondered before about this editing of songs that radio stations do. How can it be legal for radio stations
to do that to bands? I mean, if I write a song and record it, after spending a lot of time getting it just
right, shouldn't it be my actual song that gets played on the radio, not some hack's shortened version of it?
Isn't a song the intellectual property of the band that releases it?
I guess there's all sorts of weird legal stuff in the music industry. Still, I'd be curious if anyone could
explain the legal issues behind the practice of radio stations editing songs.
3/10/02 7:47:05 PM, "Jane Remedio" <bunge91@hotmail.com> wrote:
>I havent heard the edited radio version of P&P you are talking about but a
>producer at the radio station that you heard it on would have edited it in
>their studios and the Oils wouldnt know about it. This practice is common
>on most commercial radio stations, to them if a song is shorter they have
>more time to play their ads, so they get more money!. Unfortunatley they
>dont worry if they are murdering the song or not.