SV: [Powderworks] other things
Bjorn Blomquist
Mon, 11 Mar 2002 14:54:52 +0100
I'm tired of messages like these! It's not the first time we have someone who criticises those who have criticised the music of Midnight Oil.
If we are not allowed to criticise things that the Oils are doing, then what is the point with the Powderworks list? Being a fan doesn't mean that you have to love EVERYTHING about the band and their music.
We all have the right to express our opinions, but sometimes I feel like if you think that a certain song is "repetitious" or an album is "poorly produced" - which of course you are allowed to think - then you are considered "stupid", or like Jeff put it here, "out of your mind".
I have also said that I think 'Capricornia' IS a great album, but it doesn't mean I think it's totally free from certain details to criticise! ;-)
Sure, I could have some difficulties sometimes to express myself perfectly in the English language as I have been born a Swedish bloke - and that's not my fault!
PS. I'm NOT going to reduce my criticism just to please those who don't agree with it.
PS2. "Dissenting" or not, the above message contains personal views of the author.
PS3. HV blå, HV blå, heja heja HV blå!!!
> first to other things. bjorn, you really can say some knobbish things
> sometimes. if the oils are out of ideas, then you are out of your
> mind. i hope you are just having difficulty expressing yourself. i
> wish you (and some of your ilk) could reduce your criticism - most of
> your mails harbour large chunks of criticism. quite honestly, i'm
> surprised you persist.
> to rob that thinks the oils are not progressing, hark! i give you "a
> crocodile cries", "overpass", "poets and slaves" - three strikingly
> different songs (from what the oils are known for) in a coherent package
> of great music. still, i'm glad you put it as a "dissenting opinion"
> and not fact... ;)
> to "jeff (melb)" (of jeff and louise fame) 2 things. one - "All the
> discussion on the list re song order, Poets 'n' Slaves, lack of
> variation, the Oils running out of ideas etc cracks me up." BRAVO!!!
> two - signing your name Jeff (Melb) while making you look intelligent :)
> could be confusing. this is also me, but as you put a lot of non-shit
> into your mails, i'm glad to be confused with you. maybe i should be
> henceforth known as joffa...