[Powderworks] chapel and other things
Jeff McLean
Mon, 11 Mar 2002 22:29:55 +1000
hi all,
first to other things. bjorn, you really can say some knobbish things
sometimes. if the oils are out of ideas, then you are out of your
mind. i hope you are just having difficulty expressing yourself. i
wish you (and some of your ilk) could reduce your criticism - most of
your mails harbour large chunks of criticism. quite honestly, i'm
surprised you persist.
to rob that thinks the oils are not progressing, hark! i give you "a
crocodile cries", "overpass", "poets and slaves" - three strikingly
different songs (from what the oils are known for) in a coherent package
of great music. still, i'm glad you put it as a "dissenting opinion"
and not fact... ;)
to "jeff (melb)" (of jeff and louise fame) 2 things. one - "All the
discussion on the list re song order, Poets 'n' Slaves, lack of
variation, the Oils running out of ideas etc cracks me up." BRAVO!!!
two - signing your name Jeff (Melb) while making you look intelligent :)
could be confusing. this is also me, but as you put a lot of non-shit
into your mails, i'm glad to be confused with you. maybe i should be
henceforth known as joffa...
now to the chapel gig. yep, jo, you're right. that's danny. i've
been trying to get him onto the list for ages, but he ain't budging as
yet... his arrival will certainly set the cat amongst the pigeons... if
any of you are after lively debate... :) i was sitting beside him and
still have the bruises to prove it. WHAT A GIG!!!! channel ten really
bummed out when they didn't play lucky country at the end. pete came up
into the crowd and sung with us all. and yes, samuel johnson does seem
to be a fan, and a FRIGGEN NICE BLOKE! i had a chat with him later and
he seems a genuinely warm bloke (i am very partial to "the secret life
of us" - great, brave, relevant, aussie tv with heaps of comedy, drama,
etc.). he ROCKED in the crowd as much as any of us, got up and
rumbled, and seemed like a good oils fan in the making (if he wasn't
anyways, that's enough for tonight. 340 powderworks mails have been a
LOT to read through...
see yuz,