[Powderworks] Re: Repetition
Bjorn Blomquist
Mon, 11 Mar 2002 12:35:45 +0100
> No, I think it's The Real Thing -- both: Come and See the Real Thing, Come
> and See the Real Thing, Come and See -- Ooo maw ma maw maw, Ooo maw ma maw
> maw -- etc. I LOVE that song--I wish they would play it in concert.
In this case we can defend the Oils from repetition as they have not written this song.
Bruce asked:
>The fact that the Oils rarely, if ever, use the old "fade out and repeat" gimmmick makes me think >they understand that it ain't over til it's over - - there IS still something to say, or they'd quit. BTW, >Have the Oils EVER used 'fade & repeat?' without lunging into another tune forcefully and >intentionally?
If you mean "fade and repeat" while they sing a chorus, the only one I can think of is "Underwater".
There are very few Midnight Oil songs that fade out at all; one of the important aspects of Midnight Oil's songs is that they [almost] always have a real ending. There are a few songs on 'Blue Sky Mining' that fade, but apart from "Underwater" I think that the only "real" fade-out is "Gunbarrel Highway".