[Powderworks] Capricornia connections
Jim Stanley
Mon, 11 Mar 2002 09:18:31 +1000
Wobbegong is a kind of shark. Related to Leopard sharks, found around reefs
as well as a "sandy-bottom dweller". They're sometimes the exact colour of
sand and sightings are common here in Queensland. Yellow Box is part of the
Eucalyptus mob. "Prosperity Is Like The Tide" is a Fuzzface song, also the
name of a chapter from Capricornia the book. "Devilfish Shuffle " is an Oils
B-side, also a location in Capricornia the book is Devilfish Bay. Can anyone
else hear the background vocals in the chorus of Mosquito March? The chorus
in Been Away Too Long really reminds me of Weezer for some reason. I have a
feeling there might actually be a real place known as Luritya Way...but
there might not be, I dunno, I've never been those places (except in songs).
I think cows are quite symbolic of the European intervention in Australia. I
see cattle everywhere when I drive throught the bush. I imagine what the
hills and plains would have been like before they were stripped of trees.
Maybe this is a reference to consumers as cattle? Alot of the Capricornia
story centres around the Red Ochre cattle station and the cattle industry is
very important to these characters in the book, indeed is the cause of much
folly and headaches! This is 3 Midnight Oil albums in a row with an animal
on the front cover. I'm hoping for a Cane Toad to grace(!) the next album
cover! Capricornia rocks!
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