SV: [Powderworks] Too much sunshine
Fri, 08 Mar 2002 12:02:37 -0800 (PST)
Eric Fiedler wrote:
"I disagree... I love hearing all the harmonies come in, and I think the
repetition is everything in this song, everything good.It makes it a
balled.... An anthem, really... And it catches you up in the swell emotionally,
passionately. I wouldn't want it sung, or written any other way."
Well said. Could "Now or Neverland" work without the big climax at the end? All that cool layering and revisiting of guitar themes, etc?
The fact that the Oils rarely, if ever, use the old "fade out and repeat" gimmmick makes me think they understand that it ain't over til it's over - - there IS still something to say, or they'd quit.
BTW, Have the Oils EVER used 'fade & repeat?' without lunging into another tune forcefully and intentionally? I can't think of an example of it off hand, but I'm away from my music...
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