[Powderworks] MO site link
Maurice R. Kelly
Fri, 8 Mar 2002 09:57:53 +0000 (GMT)
On Mar 8, Travis Zanoni wrote:
> Yeah but what if, say, one, possibly more, of the band members were checking
> things out and were a little pissed off about a certain topic being
> discussed? Is that a positive? Just a thought....
Hmmmmm, I have a funny feeling that while you may be being vague when you
say "a certain topic," in reality you might be referring to the recent
demo incident. If not, my apologies for being overly suspicious, but if
I'm correct, then I would appreciate if you came out and said it.
Out of interest, I don't see much difference between a list archive being
visible to the band, and the fact that they are free to subscribe to the
list anyway. So I think you've made a bit of a moot point really.
I didn't say that every aspect of the list being publicly available was a
positive one. I just pointed out that it had been happening for a while,
and that it had it's positive sides.
It has negative aspects too - aside from the fact that (as Brigette
pointed out) our opinions, etc are on public display - there's also the
fact that we end up posting our email addresses over the web, thus opening
ourselves to spam.
Oh yeah - hi Jim, Rob, Pete, Martin and Bones - just in case you are
reading. ;-)
Maurice R. Kelly