[Powderworks] NMOC-bedrooms are burning...
Thu, 07 Mar 2002 14:37:43 -0800 (PST)
I agree with your thoughts on gov't and bedrooms on company time and all that.
And BTW, regarding that weird font, I noticed that if you make a clicking sound at every apostrophe in your post below, it sounds like some strange African dialect.
cheers', eh'
>while' i' respect' the' pm' of' canada' s' view' on' >peopl.e' staying' out' of' the' bedroom' of' >presidents;/' i' must' say' they' have' every' right' >to' be' concerned' with' " what' goes' on" (a' >l.ittl.e' oil.' relevance)' in' the' oval.' >office';/whitehouse' on' " company" ' time
>Sorry' for' the' punctuationl.' ' a' new' k,eyboard' >is' enroute' from' hp!!!
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