[Powderworks] Re: Capricornia & RSL DVD
Thu, 07 Mar 2002 01:05:47 -0500
Hey Workers!
Got that treasured package in the mail today from Whammo - a happy
surprise because it took only 6 days from Oz to Canada...great service
from Whammo, BTW. As for the contents,.....
Capricornia kicks! I'll have to wait for the dust to settle a bit to
offer a more deep & intelligent opinion and/or pick favorites, but so
far am enjoying it immensely...especially Luritja Way, Tone Poem, A
Crocodile Cries (gave me shivers), Too Much Sunshine, and...and....!
And the RSL DVD.....double WOW! I am thrilled/relieved/ecstatic/dancing
with happiness to report that the PAL DVD does indeed play in my
computer (whew!)....there was some video jitteriness/blurriness at
parts, noticeably through the central section of videos, then it seemed
to smooth out again. Hey, it's over 2 hours of getting to watch The
Beloved Robness, so I'm a very happy camper today....
Lastly, thank you to all of those who have emailed me with your welcomes
to the list! Looking forward to a big Workers party if & when the Oils
get to Toronto -
Endless storm and struggle marks the spirit of the age -
- Midnight Oil