[Powderworks] NMOC-bedrooms
Thu, 07 Mar 2002 00:41:43 -0500
hehe...reminds me of my sister's laptop that blew both the "M" key and
the spacebar this year...you should try & decipher HER emails!!! ;-D
> while' i' respect' the' pm' of' canada' s' view' on' peopl.e' staying'
> out' of' the' bedroom' of' presidents;/' i' must' say' they' have'
> every' right' to' be' concerned' with' " what' goes' on" (a' l.ittl.e'
> oil.' relevance)' in' the' oval.' office';/whitehouse' on' " company"
> ' time!!!
> Tim
> Sorry' for' the' punctuationl.' ' a' new' k,eyboard' is' enroute'
> from' hp!!!